Alo118 Company Directory
Our Company Directory has the most secure and up-to-date information among the company search engines on the internet, with more than 500 thousand companies classified according to categories and sub-categories on a sectoral basis. You can easily access the addresses and phones of the companies on our site, and visit their websites with the links given to their websites. Adding a company to is completely free. You can make your company stand out among the listed companies by choosing one of the membership packages on our site. There are many search options for you to reach the information of companies and institutions on the website. Depending on your needs or the type of information you have, you can quickly find what you are looking for.
Standard Search
By using the Standard Search page, you can reach the company you are looking for in the fastest way in the Alo118 Company Directory. Enter the words you want to search by choosing one of the options below. Select the city you want and access the company information you are looking for.
-> Company name
-> Branch
-> Product Name
-> Keyword
Detailed Search
On the Detailed Search page, you can search for companies by using the following options in addition to the criteria on the Standard Search page. With a detailed search, you will be more likely to find the company you are looking for.
-> Phone Number
-> Fax Number
-> Sector Name
-> Email
-> Zip Code
Sectoral Search
You can switch from the main sectors list to sub-sectors. Then you can access the list of companies registered in the sub-sector you want.
Search by SectorAlphabetical Search
It is very easy to find the companies you are looking for in the alphabetical search panel, where the company names are listed according to their initials.
Search AlphabeticallyAlo 118 Company Directory is 22 Years Old
Our directory, which is the first online company directory and company search engine in Turkey, started its publication life exactly 22 years ago. For 22 years, we have never compromised on the quality of our company directory. We worked day and night to keep our company directory up to date. Most of the time, we responded to update requests from companies within a few hours. We carefully examined the requests for adding new companies. We have processed the requests from companies after comparing them with the official records in order to avoid duplicate registrations and unfair competition.
Alo118 Company Directory has met a great need since its establishment and has become a brand that represents trust on the internet. When our company directory began to be published, it sometimes took hours to reach a company phone or a company fax number. He wandered among the catalogs and yellow directories on the shelves, grappling with old address books and business card folders. We were in the tourism industry at that time. We have experienced the same problems. Later on, address inquiry by telephone emerged as an alternative method. Although it was very popular in the beginning, this method brought a significant financial burden for organizations that frequently inquired addresses and communicated with companies via telephone and fax.
Alo118 Company Directory started its publication life online in this environment. In a short time, it attracted the attention of internet users and print media. Email chains were created that recommended our company directory to each other. News and articles introducing our guide began to appear on the economy pages of the newspapers. Our Company Directory attracted the attention of international organizations in a short time and Alo118 Company Directory became the first Turkish Company Directory to become a member of the European Directory publishers and Databanks Association. In particular, categorizing the companies and classifying them with the most appropriate keywords enabled the desired search results to be reached in the fastest way. The fact that a significant part of the visitors of our company directory reach our site by typing our directory's internet address in the address bar or search engines, or they come to our site by clicking directly from the favorites is an indication of our interest in our site.
As the Alo118 Company Directory management, we will try to be worthy of the interest you have shown us. We will strive to be together in many decades by constantly improving and renewing our company directory. We would be pleased if you share with us the innovations and suggestions you want to see in our guide by sending a message to our contact address.
We would like to thank you for your interest in our Company Directory.
Alo 118 Company Directory Management