Computer & It Industry

Subsector Number of Firms
Advertising And Promotion Services 269
Antenna Arrays For Satellite Reception, Satellite Aerials 191
Auto Tracking Systems 4
Automation 131
Barcode 113
Computer Accessories 1299
Computer Companies 2524
Computer Companies 1613
Computer Hardware 999
Computer Maintenance And Repair 578
Computer Training Courses 112
Cryptocurrency 2
Directory Websites 195
E-Commerce 370
Electronic Media 12
Guard And Security Services 162
Guard And Security Services 1445
Household Appliances And Kitchen Utensils 2323
Human Resources 4
Industrial Automation 51
Internet Cafe 82
Marketing Companies 2
Navigation Systems 29
Office Furniture 922
Office Machines And Accessories 1226
Reservation Systems 7
Shareware And Public Domain Software 2782
Technology Market 36
Telephone And Telecommunication System 2131
Telephony Systems For Internet / Intranet 867
Uninterruptible Power Supply (Ups) Units 99
Virtual Stores 427
Web Design 858

Computer & It Industry
Sector Introduction

Growing and developing from year to year, the informatics sector has taken a very important place in our daily life. Information technology, which covers a large area from tablets, computers, mobile phones to wearable technologies, is developing in line with our needs that arise from day to day. Before sharing some numerical data about this sector, I would like to give information about informatics and the fields covered by informatics.

This technology is all of the technologies that cover all technologies used in collecting, processing, storing information, transmitting it from one place to another via networks and presenting it to the service of users.

The fact that information technology products have become a daily necessity has caused this sector to grow very quickly. In this direction, investments made by governments and companies in the IT sector have increased rapidly.

It is aimed to meet new products and technologies with people by constantly increasing the expenditures for Research and Development studies in this sector.