Entertainment Centers Industry

Subsector Number of Firms
Aquarium And Domestic Animals 278
Cinema & Theater 8
Hairdresser (Coiffeur) 192
Hairdresser And Beauty Salon Equipment 728
Parfuemerie, Body And Beauty Care 1135
Play Equipment And Toys 323
Restaurant, Bars And Pleasure Local 2689
Shows And Musical Events 341
Sports Facility Construction, Sports Field Construction 348

Entertainment Centers Industry
Sector Introduction

Entertainment Centers Sector

The entertainment industry is the industry that allows people to have fun and have a good time. This is the sole purpose of the industry and this purpose is to provide entertainment. This can be achieved through a watched movie, a staged play, a show or a special amusement park developed. Whatever the element used, the purpose should be for entertainment.

Organizations operating in this field are companies producing audio and video products, Artists, Cinema, Theatre, Music halls and Game Centers.