Paper And Cellulose
Paper And Cellulose
Sector Introduction
Paper And Cellulose
The contribution of paper to the technological and cultural development of each country is great. The pulp and paper industry requires intensive capital and energy, is in the class of heavy manufacturing industries. The paper industry uses woody and herbaceous lignocellulosic material and waste paper as raw materials, and is converted into cellulose and pulp as intermediates by mechanical, chemical and Decombination. Thousands of types of paper products are produced for many different uses. The main paper classes are also divided into many subgroups: they are classified according to their weight, According to their color characteristics, According to their final use, According to the characteristics of the raw materials used in their production and according to the surface treatment characteristics applied. The Turkish Paper Industry is based on imports in terms of raw material cellulose. Paying attention to waste paper recycling technology in order to reduce external dependence can provide an outlet.